Good weather means growing things?

Dear Sherlock,

Has spring sprung in England? Or is it summer? I always say that where I live, one week it’s winter and the next it’s summer. I always seem to be travelling during the week that the seasons change. It’s changed and summer feels like it’s here and I’ve been trying to “get out more”.

Do you ever feel you’re too locked up at Baker Street and do you feel the need to just be out in nature?

I’m not a huge nature lover, but I did get some plants (herbs) on sale and have decided to grow something this summer. I may have gone a bit overboard, but hey, a sale plus some good weather made me think I could do this (cue mental vision of Rosie the riveter). But I’ll make a confession – I do not have a green thumb. The running joke is that I have the black thumb of death. Why you ask? I’ve managed to kill all plants I’ve ever owned, including ivy. Ivy’s technically a weed and is pretty close to indestructible, but I have managed to kill it.

I know you do well with body parts, but how are you with plants?


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